Date and media, radio and television

When creating forms of media? When you first in the declaration? Who owns the media?

The creation of various forms of media


Newspapers & Magazines ~ 1880


Movie ~ 1910


Television ~ 1945


Cable Television ~ 1980


Satellite TV, Internet and digital communications ~ late 20 century

In 1920 development of the first radio FM, mainly for military purposes from one location to another media company sendingHistory - old news radio. David Sternoff, then head of RCA, first of all have ideas and sales of equipment for wireless users, or as known in the radio receiver. However, consumers need a reason to buy the radio, so this is the first RCA radio stations set up all across the country. Between 1920 and 1922 and 400 radio stations and start preparing KBKA in Pittsburgh. Has also established a station at the University of the newspapers and police offices, hotels and trade unions.


The 1923 total of 600 radio stations in the U.S. and the U.S. value of 83 million units sold.

Radio biggest difference is that before and after 1923, listening to the radio while the first ad in 1923. Indianapolis at the time of four companies:


AT & T




United Fruit



United Company for fruit and one of the first in the world, first in radio advertising. AT & T in the Indianapolis division of labor has pioneered the sale of the company, this represents the beginning of the show "fees for air time." WEAF is the first stage of work, that in this way, cause widespread discontent, and pollution charges of electromagnetic waves. "

Because of this dispute, and the practice of selling time of the declaration is known as "trademark for publicity." Sponsored links program and in the air, rather than a specific product name in advertising its "30-second commercial," Today, we know.

Why AT & T decision to charge the company for a trial period?

AT & T is not the transmission because they are only transmitter, receiver, no money. But they also make money when you need to buy new equipment to the radio. They do not rely on money spent on purchase of radio equipment.

AT & T began using public funds to his time in the air, not just volunteers who broadcast content, to date, the exercise performance of a single approach.

The first wireless network

In 1926, American Broadcasting Company created the first wireless network, and NBC. Decided that a more effective and efficient production of performances in New York, then in larger stations broadcast connection from AT & T (another company Indianapolis) telephone lines. (Now, television networks via its subsidiaries).

This is the beginning of a network sub-systems. Ideal network can ensure that everyone in this country is the ability to listen to their signals. At the time that NBC and two concepts:


Broadcast content is "public service" whose mission is to sell the radio.


The aim is to generate the content of broadcast advertising revenue.

Media History in 1927, the second network component. According to CBS, by William C. Bailey. Perry is the first network that can provide the advertising revenues, down, so it is not in radio sales. Companies like AT & T, CBS, radio no. From the outset, and sold as money from ads.

The rise of wireless networks, broadcasting is a law passed in 1927, which states that the Council for the preparation of financial statements, Huozhe Yes Xianzai is Chen Wei, Federal Communications Commission, the allocation of broadcasting licenses. The need for such an organization to achieve the airwaves are limited, and radio is a scarce resource assembly. Century contained 20, 30 years of radio structure through coordination of trade, although the message does not dominate the television and radio will also be at a later date.

In 1920 and 30 houses, radio programs, divided into two groups. Host shows that advertisers and program participation, and which are not. The radio show without paying sponsors. Programs funded by the other hand, is created entirely by corporate sponsorship program and advertisers full responsibility for the content of a person on the radio. has become the advertising content. With radio and television broadcasting, and early control of the company will continue to control the TV in the same precedent.

A little later inherited the structure of television and radio. In 1940's, as well as increasing television, as all television monopoly for the sale of Indianapolis. Were taken for 1945-1955, all television ads. TV is built on the premise of selling things. All of the television industry is to create a political climate of suspicion and fear. Senator Joseph McCarthy, McCarthyism, and this is the founder of communism and the fear of HUAC (House United American Activities Committee, and began to question people on television, and their beliefs and associations.

What is the impact of television in the beginning?