Good District Attorney

District Attorney - Regulations that have been made by counsel must be carried on for peace, strength of attorney can be the key that opens the door for effective planning asset protection and preservation of financial security.

The power of attorney document can be the key that opens the door to effective asset protection planning and the preservation of the family’s financial security. On the other hand, a power of attorney can be used as a tool for elder abuse or to thwart a client’s established estate plan.

Sources from near the City County Building tell us that word is circulating that former State Senator and current Kennerly, Montgomery and Finley Attorney C. Coulter "Bud" Gilbert may be running to replace our District Attorney General Randy Nichols. Nichols has indicated that he will NOT run for re-election again. It is time to spend time with his lovely wife Laura and their grandchildren. Sources also indicate that Gilbert may have been the attorney at KMF that lost the firms long time client, KUB.